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St Peter’s believes that a consistent school uniform policy is vital to promote the ethos of the school and provide a sense of belonging and identity for all pupils, regardless of their protected characteristics or socio-economic circumstances.

Pupils learn most effectively and achieve their best outcomes when they are comfortable, able to be themselves, and dressed in such a way that sets an appropriate tone for education.

We have taken measures to implement a uniform that reflects the needs of all pupils, and is affordable and the best value for money for families. Pupils can wear plain navy sweatshirts and cardigans or those with the school badge.

Sweatshirts and cardigans with the school badge can be ordered from

School Trends and My Clothing

Children are also permitted to wear plain navy sweatshirts and cardigans. These, and all other items of uniform, can be obtained from any main supermarket.

Book Bags

Book Bags with a printed school badge can be purchased from the school office for £5. We would encourage all KS1 children to purchase a book bag to keep the reading books issued from school in a good condition.

Hairstyles and Jewellery

Please ensure that all hairstyles are appropriate for school. This includes not wearing hairpieces, dyes or having tramline/mohican haircuts.  Hairstyles should not impede your child's vision or pose a health and safety risk. Long hair must be tied up for PE and swimming lessons.

Earrings are not permitted to be worn in school. No jewellery other than a watch may be worn unless it is a mandatory requirement of a recognised religion.

Mobile Phones

Year 6 pupils who have permission to walk home unaccompanied may bring a mobile phone to school. This must be handed into the office each morning for safe keeping.

Second Hand Donated Uniforms

We have a large supply of second-hand uniforms in good condition in school. If you need any items for your child, please contact the office and we will be happy to assist.