Special Educational Needs (SEN)
At St Peter's Catholic Primary School, we value each and every one of God's children equally. We pride ourselves on the support we give to all our pupils. For those pupils who have difficulties in accessing any part of their school life, we use the Graduated Approach for SEND to enhance our Quality First Provision. We work closely with agencies and professionals to seek the best support at the appropriate time, from the Local Authority and NHS Trust Services and Teams.
Our Special Educational Needs (and Disabilities) Coordinator (SENCo) is Mrs Hazel Fitzsimons.
Mrs Fitzsimons can be contacted by appointment via the school office or directly using the following email address: senco@stpeter.doncaster.sch.uk
Emotional Well-being
Are you struggling to support your child's emotional well-being? Are they struggling to manage or express their emotions? Please come and discuss your concerns with school staff as we are there to help. Additionally, feel free to try following resources to try to support them.
Learning tools to support your child at home
Phonics and reading
Additional Support
There are a number of resources which can be accessed outside of school; please see the Doncaster SENDIAS page for more information, or contact your local Family Hub.