LGC Membership 2022-23
The school became an Academy as part of St Francis Catholic Multi Academy Trust as from September 2022, therefore all Governors transferred from the previous maintained school Governance structure, with the terms of office continuing from their original dates of appointment.
- Kelly-Anne Kent (Foundation Governor)
Appointed: 28/10/2020
Term End Date: 27/10/2024
Vice Chair:
- Marie Gornall (Foundation Governor)
Appointed: 19/10/2022 reappointed from previous term
Term End Date: 18/10/2026
Headteacher (Ex-Officio)
- Catherine Young
Appointed: 01/09/2022
Term End Date: N/A
Other Members:
- Stephen Butler (Parent Governor)
Appointed: 28/06/2022
Term End Date: 27/06/2026
- Peter Foster (Foundation Governor)
Appointed: 07/02/2017
Term End Date: 30/01/2025
- Benjamin McCluskey (Foundation Governor)
Appointed: 27/10/2021
Term End Date: 26/10/2025
- John Nolan (Foundation Governor)
Appointed: 28/10/2020
Term End Date: 27/10/2024
- Rachel Reiff (Foundation Governor)
Appointed: 11/03/2020
Term End Date: 10/03/2024
- Natalie Simpson (Foundation Governor)
Appointed: 27/10/2021
Term End Date: 26/10/2025