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  • Summer Holidays & Safeguarding Information

    Published 19/07/24

    Details of how to access Safeguarding support during the summer break.

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  • Breakfast Club Assistant Vacancy

    Published 01/07/24

    We have a vacancy for a new member of staff.

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  • September 2024 - Change to School Day Timings

    Published 29/04/24

    Timings for the school day are changing from September 2024.

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  • Easter Break & Safeguarding Information

    Published 28/03/24

    Easter Break & Safeguarding Information

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  • Update to the School Day for Academic Year 2024-25

    Published 05/03/24

    Consultation on change to start & finish times.

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  • Book Fair - 26th January 2024

    Published 22/01/24

    Please enter an introduction for your news story here.

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  • The Happy Hideaway Update

    Published 13/07/22

    On Tuesday, Michael Axe and his colleagues from IKEA, came to assess the progress of the wildlife garden. Since their last visit, we have planted lavender, rosemary, buddleia, evergreen laurel, long grasses, climbing honeysuckle and even more wild flower seeds. A wonderful gravel path has been laid by Kev Baker, a friend of Mr Brewster - for free! Hedgehog houses have been provided by Luca and Lola Thorpe-Aiken and Isaac and Izzy Hone. A fantastic pergola has been erected by Mr Brewster as our entrance to the Happy Hideaway, and even more bug-hotels have emerged! Needless-to-say, they were very impressed with our progress so far, but there is still plenty to do!

    Thank you to all the Y5 children, who are watering and taking care of the garden. Thank you to Mrs Wilson, Mrs Rusling and of course, Mr Brewster for all his amazing work.

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  • Ambulance Visit

    Published 13/05/22

    Healthcare transport provider ERS Medical kicked off its Crews for Schools roadshow at St. Peter’s Catholic Primary School.

    Click to see the article in the Doncaster Free Press here:

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  • Friends of St Peter's CHALLENGE 2022

    Published 13/02/22

    Friends of St Peter's Challenge 2022

    To kickstart our year of fundraising and to allow us to continue to raise funds towards our outdoor learning area, we are excited to introduce ‘Challenge 2022’. 

    During February half term we are encouraging our pupils to each raise £20.22!  You can do this individually, as a family or as a group.  How you do it is up to you.

    You could use the number 22 as inspiration…you could do a 22km sponsored walk or bike ride over the week, help your family with 22 jobs, score 22 goals, sell 22 cup cakes, perform a 22 minute sponsored dance or show… the possibilities are endless… we can’t wait to see what you come up with. 

    £20.22 is your target but there is no minimum amount needed to join in the fun and no maximum should you raise more.

    There will be a prize for the pupil who raises the money in the most imaginative or creative way.  Please send photographs to your class email to share with the rest of your class. 

    Please return any money raised by Friday 25th February 2022. 

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  • Friends of St Peter's 'TWO"S DAY'

    Published 13/02/22

    Friends of St Peter’s


    Tuesday 22.02.22

    Bring a coin with a ‘2’ in it (2p, 20p, £2)

    in exchange for a non-uniform day

    all funds raised will go towards raising money for the outdoor classroom

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  • Eco Committee

    Published 21/01/22

    The Eco-Committee

    Back in November, the Eco-Committee presented the IKEA Eco School Project Competition to the school in an assembly. They asked for designs for a wildlife garden in the grounds of St Peter’s.

    Well done to Year 5, who produced some amazing designs. The Eco-Committee had a tough job judging the entries, but eventually agreed on a tie for first place, with the winning designs coming from Zainah and Isla. Esme conjured up the winning name for the garden, ‘The Happy Hideaway’, should the project go ahead! Scarlett McC and Ivy also put a lot of thought into their designs, so all five children received a prize for their efforts. Well done!

    The Eco-Committee submitted their final design to IKEA in December. Earlier this month we discovered that we had been short-listed and had to go to IKEA to do a ‘Dragon’s Den’ style presentation. Isla, Esme, Ivy and Jude were remarkably composed and did an amazing job of presenting our idea to the five very important-looking judges, who sat behind their desks with pen and paper, writing notes. Well done, you did St Peter’s proud!

    We will know if we have been successful by the 25th January.

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