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School Meals

Current Menu 2023/24

A balanced, two-course meal is cooked at school every day. 

Please give one week's notice if you wish to change your child's daily meal option. This is due to the cook ordering and producing the correct quantities of food required each day. 

School meals are free to pupils in KS1 (Reception, Year 1 & Year 2). The cost of meals for pupils in KS2 is£2.55 per day (£12.75 per week) which should be paid for in advance via your child's Arbor account.

Free School Meals

If you feel your child could be eligible for Free School Meals (open to all year groups) please check using the Doncaster Council link

Special Dietary Requirements

If your child requires a special diet for religious or medical reasons, please inform the school office.

Packed Lunches

Parents whose children have a packed lunch are asked to support the school's promotion of healthy eating by providing lunches with appropriate nutritional value. Children should not bring sweets or sugary drinks to school as part of their packed lunch.

Flasks with hot food are not permitted for reasons of health and safety.

School Milk and Free Fruit

A carton of milk is provided free of charge to all children under 5 years of age, and also to any KS1 (Reception, Years 1 & 2) pupils in receipt of free school meals.  Once your child has reached their 5th birthday parents of all children in Key Stage 1 can pay for their children to have a daily drink of milk. Please contact Cool Milk to register

All children in KS1 (Reception, Years 1 & 2) are given a free piece of fruit or vegetable each day as part of the Schools Fruit and Vegetable Scheme. Key Stage 2 children can bring a piece of fruit to eat at morning break if they wish.

Healthy School Awards

In July 2007, St Peter's school was awarded 'Healthy School Status'. This covers a range of school provisions assessed against national standards including Healthy Eating, Physical Activity, and Standards of Care. 

The NHS Healthier Families website provides handy hints and tips to help families live a healthier lifestyle including lunch box ideas